Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Love, Devotion & Sacrifice....

Pray you're having a great, blessed week.
This Sunday we're going to be studying one of the most
inspiring, unbelievable, and awesome stories of love,
devotion and sacrifice (in my opinion). The story
of Abraham and Isaac is so full of application, we
probably won't even get to it all. It's a story that
includes understanding the Jewish law, understanding
the importance of a son, realizing the great love of
a father, seeing the amazing obedience of a son, and
the incredible faith of a man - just a man - in his
God. Our God. We worship the same God as Abraham.
Mind boggling, yes?
Take a minute before Sunday and read Genesis 22. Put
yourself in Abraham's sandals, if you can....
Imagine what you might think.... how could a man get
to the point of loving His Lord that much????
And while you're questionning God for asking Abraham
to complete such a task of sacrifice..... remember
that Our Father never asked something of His children
that He would not have also done...........
And did.

Any thoughts?

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