Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Discovering a Passion for Jesus

Our last week discussing "Living 3:16 in a 9/11 World"....... and finalizing on passion - seems fitting. We'll be in Revelation - and the focal verse is Revelation 3:16.... Check it out.
Do you have a passion for Jesus? Jesus has some strong words in our passage about those who don't. He was talking directly to the church at Laodicea, but the references are to the church today - to you and me. Do you stand on the fence and never take a stand for Christ? Do others know what your action/reaction will be in a circumstance just by knowing you're a Christian? Be thinking................
Bring a dollar or two this Sunday for our little girl, Maria. We don't have enough to cover this month's donation. Thanks....
Praying you recall a time when your passion for Him made you unashamed to show others.....
Love ya'

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