Monday, May 19, 2008

Memorial Day

I found this video about Memorial Day - I know there are others. This one has been on God Tube for a year.... I hope you'll click on the link to the right (under "Gotta See Sites") and watch it, all the way through. Most of us cannot imagine what a soldier does to put his life on the line for our freedoms. Whether we agree with the current administration or are waiting for a "change" - there are people in the balance......... doing what men and women have been doing for generations:
Protecting our Freedom.
God Bless America
and Thank Him for such people..............

"Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends."
John 15:13

And in remembering this day............. doesn't this verse also describe Christ?

Praying for you!

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Humility in Life....

Imagine a man.... a man who cheated his brother... a man who swallowed his pride to make things right... Humility. That's the story of Jacob, who lied to his father, Isaac, to cheat his brother, Esau. At one point, Esau sought to kill Jacob. I'm not sure I could humble myself that much...alone. With God's help? The Bible says that I "can do all things through Christ."

This world is selfish, and we find ourselves at times being selfish. People fight for the "top spot", attempt to be the center of attention, and seek to be honored. Criminals violate others' rights, then beg for fair treatment when arrested. A driver cuts off another driver thinking he deserves to be ahead of the other person. Selfishness... Pride.

How to live in this world with a spirit of humility, rather than a spirit of selfish pride, is the question........ We will not be having Sunday School this week, April 27. However, this is what we would be discussing. Instead, we will be meeting at 10:00 in the Worship Center for one service. A service that will begin the next part of our church family's journey. A service where we will hear Dr. Mark Forrest preach God's word. A service where we will seek God's will and vote on calling Dr. Forrest as our new Senior Pastor. Hope you will be in attendance.

Where does humility fit into this weekend? Seek God. Put behind us, as a church, our individual ideas and move to a collective view of God's will. As you go about your life this week, pray about this weekend. It's such an important time in the life of Lakeside Baptist Church.

This week......... let that crazy driver get in front of you with a smile. This week...... allow someone to have the credit, even if it doesn't belong to them. This week...... show some humility.
Praying for you!

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Love, Devotion & Sacrifice....

Pray you're having a great, blessed week.
This Sunday we're going to be studying one of the most
inspiring, unbelievable, and awesome stories of love,
devotion and sacrifice (in my opinion). The story
of Abraham and Isaac is so full of application, we
probably won't even get to it all. It's a story that
includes understanding the Jewish law, understanding
the importance of a son, realizing the great love of
a father, seeing the amazing obedience of a son, and
the incredible faith of a man - just a man - in his
God. Our God. We worship the same God as Abraham.
Mind boggling, yes?
Take a minute before Sunday and read Genesis 22. Put
yourself in Abraham's sandals, if you can....
Imagine what you might think.... how could a man get
to the point of loving His Lord that much????
And while you're questionning God for asking Abraham
to complete such a task of sacrifice..... remember
that Our Father never asked something of His children
that He would not have also done...........
And did.

Any thoughts?

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Discovering a Passion for Jesus

Our last week discussing "Living 3:16 in a 9/11 World"....... and finalizing on passion - seems fitting. We'll be in Revelation - and the focal verse is Revelation 3:16.... Check it out.
Do you have a passion for Jesus? Jesus has some strong words in our passage about those who don't. He was talking directly to the church at Laodicea, but the references are to the church today - to you and me. Do you stand on the fence and never take a stand for Christ? Do others know what your action/reaction will be in a circumstance just by knowing you're a Christian? Be thinking................
Bring a dollar or two this Sunday for our little girl, Maria. We don't have enough to cover this month's donation. Thanks....
Praying you recall a time when your passion for Him made you unashamed to show others.....
Love ya'

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Eva's Poem

I walking down state and I looking around watching all the people wondering if they know the one I know

Then I feel my knees start to weaken

I am walking around watching all the people wondering if they know the one I know

When I am with you I know, I know that you are the one I will have all through my life

I just look at you and I fall face down on my knees and say I love you love you then you pick me up and say you don’t have to fall down for me to love you I will always love you love you

I stand and start to catch my breath knowing one day I will turn around and see your hand reaching out to me

I am looking in to my reflection in the glass window and I think of the day you come back and I slip away in to your world without a thought in my head

I know when I am with you I am on top of the world and I need nothing else

I am sitting here on the beach watching the waves crash on to the sand and I think of drowning I think of drowning in a ocean of your love I think of the water of your love feeling my lungs

Then I start to turn around and walk away and I feel your hand on my shoulder and I hear you say don’t be afraid its only life and I will walk you through it just don’t look away from my eyes

You tell me over and over again don’t lose your faith don’t lose your faith over these mistakes we all make

They ask me why are you fooling yourself He’s not real and I tell them one day I will turn around and I will see His hand reach out and He will save me from it all

I know that it won't be long before all this pain is just a memory in my head and I am standing next you I know it won't be long and you won't be a dream anymore

You're just something I can't explain I watched you gently tear the rough layer of the surface of my heart and make it soft once again

I stopped to catch my breath because you have been on my mind you have been all I can think about
I know that when I doubt you I am only fooling myself

I know that I can't survive alone in this world I know that in order for me to live on I need you

I know one day I will turn around and see your hand reaching to me to take me home with you

You tell me there is no need to second guess I have you and all your love right here in my hands so you have nothing to worry about

You let me know that even when I slip away into that world that can only pull me down that you still have a hold of my hand and your not letting go you tell me you will never let me fall

You ask me why don’t you stay awhile in this spot you're in because its doing you wonders

An that’s when I know that one day I will turn around and see your hand reaching for me

You tell me life is only a stepping stone and you have to take one step at a time and not put too much pressure on it or it will sink

You say but if you sink I will pull you out you let me know that your love is only as think as you allow it and if you do allow it then you will see its never ending

I think that I am lucky to have some to fall asleep on their shoulder but then you tell me I am lucky to have you even lean on my shoulder

You say don’t spend you life wishing just listen to my words and you will be fine so stop wishing for life to be ok because I am here and its just fine

Tuesday, March 18, 2008


"That Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, and that He was buried, and that He rose again the third day according to the Scriptures."
1 Corinthians 15:4

"Now after the Sabbath, as the first day of the week began to dawn, Mary Magdalene and the other Mary came to see the tomb...... But the angel answered and said to the women, 'Do not be afraid, for I know that you seek Jesus who was crucified. He is not here; for He is risen, as He said...."Matthew 28:1,5-6

More than just a day... More than Mom's best dinner... More than Easter eggs... More than just a man... Easter is VICTORY! JESUS IS LORD! HE IS RISEN, AS HE SAID!

Crazy amazing, if you try to wrap your brain around it. How He could leave a throne in Heaven - could leave His Father only to have God turn his back to our sin on the cross - could leave the ministering, singing angels....... and come here. To a place they would spit on him, call him names, accuse him of horrible lies - and ultimately to a world where we would ignore Him. He knew that - and came anyway - for me - for you.

If you're in Granbury - come join us this week for Easter services.
Friday night at 7:00 pm: Lord's Supper service
Sunday morning at either 8:30 or 10:30 am: Easter service
(No Sunday School)

Praying for all who read this - that your life be touched by the Easter message.
If you want to read more about it - check out the book of Matthew in chapters 26-28.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

3:16 - Rethinking the Nature of Love

"Love means loving the unlovable - or it is no virtue at all." - Anonymous

We've been talking this month about living 3:16 in a 9/11 world. Each week we've read passages involving different 3:16 verses. Well, this coming Sunday, March 16, we've finally gotten to the one we're all most familiar with..... John 3:16.

The love we typically recognize involves taking..... But God's love involves giving. Truly, "God gave His One and Only Son."

Interestingly enough, we're also looking at FIRST John 3:16, which says nearly the same thing..."This is how we have come to know love; He laid down His life for us...." (Isn't it cool how God works those things out.....)

God doesn't love in just words, He proves it. God's love changes us. We are a new creation when we accept His love, His gift.

Do you know His love, and has it changed you into a new person?

He loves you!

Friday, March 7, 2008

Prayer Request

UPDATE! Josh is still in the hospital, but his surgery is now not until Wednesday.

Don't forget to pray for Josh this weekend. He'll be having surgery in Arlington on Monday, March 10.
Josh - praying for healing and a quick return to our class!

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Christ - The Foundation

Well, I have no idea if anyone is reading... haha! But I'm still writing. I think this would be a great place to give you a preview of the Sunday School lesson we'll be discussing each week. Hope you'll check it out.

This month we are discussing "Living 3:16 in a 9/11 World." It can really bring about some deep thoughts and deep discussions. Each week we will be looking at a different 3:16 verse in the Bible. Sunday, we will be focusing on 1 Corinthians 3:16 - "Don't you know that you are God's sanctuary and that the Spirit of God lives in you?"

Something for you to consider: Does your heart feel like a hotel or a home to the Holy Spirit?

This has been another hard week for the area of Granbury, following the death of Alyssa Dix. Many of you may have known her or her family or have a younger sibling who did. Our prayers are with the family and with you, her friends. Please feel free to comment your thoughts or how we can help.

For those of you who are away at school or jobs and won't be here Sunday - you are missed! For those of you who will be at LBC this weekend - can't wait to see you!
Prayers & Blessings -
PS - Don't forget to bring some $$ for our donation to little Maria in El Salvador.

Friday, February 29, 2008

set free

when I hear your voice my heart stops
when I feel your love it moves my heart in a way no one can describe

there is no greater love then yours you have captured my heart with the beating of yours

your blood has set me free
your pain and suffering has allowed me to be free

so I sit here on my knees wishing I did know how much it cost to see my sins up on that cross

when I feel your touch I cant help but to smile
when I see your work tears run down my cheeks

I was set free set free by the blood from your veins
set free by your glory

Sunday - It's March!

So..... When I say 3:16 - what do you think about?

And when I say 9/11 - what do you think about?

That's what I'll be asking this Sunday...... We all have our immediate thoughts, pictures, and sounds that come to our mind.

So, what's that have to do with Sunday School?

We're living 3:16 in a 9/11 world......

This Sunday we'll talk about Returning to the Book -
THEEE Book. See you there!

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Well, Here It Is....

OK - Here's a blog site.... I thought long and hard about it. I'm sort of private, to a point. Then again, I love to share. I don't know - figure that one out! I was uncomfortable with MySpace or Facebook.... so here it is - a forum for sharing events, ideas, thoughts, and Scriptures for the Lakeside Baptist Church, Granbury, Texas, Young Adult/College group.

I hope to use this to prepare you for our weekly lessons in Sunday School at 10:30 a.m. on Sundays, to share my thoughts about current events, to share devotions that the Lord has placed on my heart or that have been passed to me by others, and to just find out more about you. I also hope to use this to give you insight into our family, what we believe to be truth, and just how we get through this journey we call "life."

Come on along with me - if you like. It may be crazy... Blogging may drive us all nuts!

Until next time...........
(Oh, and thanks to my great AC friend for sharing his blog with us - you know who you are!)