Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Humility in Life....

Imagine a man.... a man who cheated his brother... a man who swallowed his pride to make things right... Humility. That's the story of Jacob, who lied to his father, Isaac, to cheat his brother, Esau. At one point, Esau sought to kill Jacob. I'm not sure I could humble myself that much...alone. With God's help? The Bible says that I "can do all things through Christ."

This world is selfish, and we find ourselves at times being selfish. People fight for the "top spot", attempt to be the center of attention, and seek to be honored. Criminals violate others' rights, then beg for fair treatment when arrested. A driver cuts off another driver thinking he deserves to be ahead of the other person. Selfishness... Pride.

How to live in this world with a spirit of humility, rather than a spirit of selfish pride, is the question........ We will not be having Sunday School this week, April 27. However, this is what we would be discussing. Instead, we will be meeting at 10:00 in the Worship Center for one service. A service that will begin the next part of our church family's journey. A service where we will hear Dr. Mark Forrest preach God's word. A service where we will seek God's will and vote on calling Dr. Forrest as our new Senior Pastor. Hope you will be in attendance.

Where does humility fit into this weekend? Seek God. Put behind us, as a church, our individual ideas and move to a collective view of God's will. As you go about your life this week, pray about this weekend. It's such an important time in the life of Lakeside Baptist Church.

This week......... let that crazy driver get in front of you with a smile. This week...... allow someone to have the credit, even if it doesn't belong to them. This week...... show some humility.
Praying for you!

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Love, Devotion & Sacrifice....

Pray you're having a great, blessed week.
This Sunday we're going to be studying one of the most
inspiring, unbelievable, and awesome stories of love,
devotion and sacrifice (in my opinion). The story
of Abraham and Isaac is so full of application, we
probably won't even get to it all. It's a story that
includes understanding the Jewish law, understanding
the importance of a son, realizing the great love of
a father, seeing the amazing obedience of a son, and
the incredible faith of a man - just a man - in his
God. Our God. We worship the same God as Abraham.
Mind boggling, yes?
Take a minute before Sunday and read Genesis 22. Put
yourself in Abraham's sandals, if you can....
Imagine what you might think.... how could a man get
to the point of loving His Lord that much????
And while you're questionning God for asking Abraham
to complete such a task of sacrifice..... remember
that Our Father never asked something of His children
that He would not have also done...........
And did.

Any thoughts?